Friday, March 10, 2017

Planning 1

      To begin with, I was undecided whether I was going to do an adventure film or a thriller but I decided to make the film a thriller. I want to do a thriller because the I've watched a lot of movies under this genre so I'm familiar with some of the strategies that these type of films use in order to attract the audience. But the theme "thriller" is a broad genre, so there are many sub genres to this. I wasn't sure what the different sub genres were and which one I was going to use, so I researched the different sub genres to them. I looked up the genre and  this article came up explaining the different sub genres that go under thriller. It mentions genres such as Action Thriller, Crime Thriller, Psychological Thriller and a couple more. After reading the description of each of these I thought that it would be best if I used action thriller. I think that since I have a limited budget and resources I think that I could make the best out of this.
     I searched up what makes thriller movies scary and this popped up. Here it talks about how specific noises make the scary movies, well... scary. During the research on this website they used the example of Jaws and explained how they used the orchestra They talked about how those high noises stimulate instinctual response that a mother gets when her baby is in danger. Because of this research I decided that I want to add some high pitch and sharp noises into my film opening. One movie that I remember this attribute being used is in the movie "Pyscho" by Alfred Hitchcock where he used high pitched noises at a scene of distress to emphasize the horror aspect and to cause the audience to feel the main factor of a thriller which is to scare you.

Buffam, Noelle. "Genre Thriller." The Script Lab. TSL, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2017 

Patience Haggin. "Why Is Scary Music Scary? Here’s the Science." Time. Time, 19 June 2012. Web. 12 Mar. 2017


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