Sunday, April 2, 2017

Filming again

     Yesterday we began to film and it went way better than last time. The lighting was better than last time and everything went to script, although we didn't finish. We didn't finish so now we're going to have to film another day at night, I think the best day is going to be on Wednesday but I am not sure I'm going to have to ask my friend when it's best for him. But the filming went better than last time.

Here is the alley in which one of the teenage boys dies, its in between two houses and it is quite dark as you can see to make things more scary. The boy walks in here and later dies for an unknown cause
it creates fear. Before when one of the teenage boys went in there the light was too dark but adding flashlights helped.

Here you can see how I used a flashlight to help with the lighting. This flashlight is really powerful so I had to put it at some distance from the person. But this actually helped a lot with the production and it got me further in the filming. Now I'm just missing a couple more scenes and I'll be done.

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